Transitive Verb of Complete Predication

* Transitive Verb is a verb that needs an object.

Definition: Transitive Verb of Complete Predication is a verb that makes complete scene by itself. It means it doesn't need the objective complement.

Main Diagram

These four main diagrams above show how the sentence structure works. They displays where parts of speech of each word in the sentence belongs to.

"He" is a pronoun and functions as the subject of the verb "speaks".
"speaks" is a verb because it expresses an action, it's kind of transitive verb because it needs an object, and it's a transitive verb of complete predication because it makes complete scene by itself.
"three" is an adjective used to modify the noun "languages".
"languages" is a noun and functions as the object of the verb "speaks".

"Tim" is a noun and functions as the subject of the verb "spends".
"spends" is a verb because it expresses an action, it's kind of transitive verb because it needs an object, and it's a transitive verb of complete predication because it makes complete scene by itself.
"many" is an adjective used to modify the noun "hours".
"hours" is a noun and functions as the object of the verb "spends".
"on" is a preposition.
"his" is an adjective used to modify the noun "paperwork".
"paperwork" is a noun and functions as the object of the preposition "on".
"everyday" is an adverb used to modify the verb "spends".

"What" is a pronoun and functions as the object of the verb "buy".
"did" is a verb because it expresses an existence.
"your" is an adjective used to modify the noun "father".
"father" is a noun and functions as the subject of the verb "buy".
"buy" is a verb because it expresses an action, it's kind of transitive verb because it needs an object, and it's a transitive verb of complete predication because it makes complete scene by itself.
"for" is a preposition.
"you" is a pronoun and functions as the object of the preposition "for".
"on" is a preposition.
"your" is an adjective used to modify the noun "birthday".
"birthday" is a noun and functions as the object of the preposition "on".
"last year" is an adverb used to modify the verb "buy".

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