WH Questions

We use question words to ask certain types of questions. We often refer to these words as WH words because they include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW).

Question WordFunctionExample
Whatinformation about somethingWhat is your email address?
repetition or confirmationWhat? I can't hear. You did what?
What...fora reason, asking whyWhat did you do that for?
WhentimeWhen will he return?
Whereplace or positionWhere exactly do you live?
WhichchoiceWhich pairs do you want?
Whoperson or people (subject)Who is she sitting next to him?
Whomwhat or which person (object)Whom did you give to?
WhoseownershipWhose are these books?
Whyreason, what...forWhy do you say that?
Why don'tsuggestionWhy don't you help me?
HowmannerHow does this work?
condition or qualityHow was your exam?
How fardistanceHow far is your house from school?
How longlength (time or space)How long will it take?
How manyquantity (countable)How many cars are there?
How muchquantity (uncountable)How much money do you have?
How oldageHow old are you?
How comereason, (why)How come I can't see her?

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